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Exchange & Outlook/Trouble Shooting

MAPI 연결 실패가 일어나는 조건

by 강철 벼룩 2011. 3. 3.

아웃룩과 익스체인지간의 MAPI 연결 실패가 일어나는 경우에 대한 마이크로소프트의 기술자료 입니다.

[MAPI Failure conditions. (Failover to RPC over HTTP/S)]

When an RPC fails or a connection is dropped, Outlook will attempt to reconnect the session.  If the server responds with Im not available or theres a network timeout, we will switch bindingsfrom RPC/TCP to RPC/HTTP.  These failures can happen for a variety of transient reasons, in addition to a small handful of known reasons.  Unfortunately, the transient reasons far outweigh the known ones, so its not easy to answer why or when this happens.  The simple fact is that networking layers in the OS may return errors when wireless is flaky, building routers are overloaded, the system is waking up from hibernation and network stacks are coming online in unpredictable orders, notifications fire to reconnect and encounter timing issues with other apps using the networking layers such as proxy server resolution, etc.  So, if the RPC/TCP and RPC/HTTP connections will both work from behind the firewall, you can expect to see a small percentage of your connections to the Exchange servers when you're behind the firewall, to be RPC/HTTP connected.  The only way to prevent this is to block RPC/HTTP from inside your firewall.  Then RPC/HTTP will always work outside (because RPC/TCP will always fail), and RPC/TCP will always work inside (because RPC/HTTP will always fail).

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